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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Level Matters@ Tata Sponge delivered return of 41% from the recommended level.

Alert@ Tata Sponge hits 412 as of now. 
We recommended Tata Sponge exclusively to our clients on 19th Nov in the region of 292-287 and we even recommended booking profit at sub 339 levels (return 17%). 
Money Mystery does lot of research in finding strong support & resistance levels before recommending something. If anyone go through the price action since than one can find that it very much maintained the given level of 292-287 and gave many trading opportunity till now. Mostly we go with the idea of Single idea@ Multiple Trade thereby making profitable trade in the same stock on multiple occasion.
Today so far it hit high of 412 thereby delivering return of 41% from the recommended range. Looks like a breakout.

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