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Kolkata, India
Disclaimer: This Blog, its owner, creator & contributor is not a research analyst and expressing opinion only as an Investor in Indian equities .He/She is not responsible for any loss arising out of any information, post or opinion appearing on this blog.Information or stock recommendations contained in this blog are for educational purposes only. Investors are advised to consult financial consultant before acting on any such information. Before acting on any old recommendations, please ensure its relevance in current circumstances.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Level & Risk Matters with Money Mystery

Before giving any stock idea I give a lot of emphasis on the levels because its the level which decides whether the stock is going drop down or going to move up from a particular area.
Our main look out is the Risk Factor before coming to any level. Every trade involves certain percentage of risk and I make sure it should be the bare minimum in compare to profit generated and we have been doing this since long which makes us special & different. Most of the time my one time idea is trade able multiple times. Am not a good trader however I have seen good trader making most of my calls which is also an art.  
I hesitate to give any stock idea until n unless it provides the best risk reward ratio and whatever calls I give is under my grip as these are my own generated calls and not taken from anywhere else.
I work hard before giving something.

If given a free environment and trust I can perform at the highest level. I don't follow much of technical tools neither I understand much of it....I have my own style of reading charts which is different from others. What matters at the end whether am making money for you or not?

Am looking forward to have limited & good clients.

Kind Regards,

Manish Bothra,

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