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Monday, March 3, 2014

Buy Yes Bank for Investment Purpose

In the banking space one can start accumulating Yes Bank in the region of 300 to 282 in the first phase of systematic investment.

Next region to avg Yes Bank is 244 to 230 region.

Buy 40% of the desired qty in the region of 301 to 282
Buy 30% of the desired qty in the region of 244 to 230

Last Traded Price at Rs 302.75


  1. Yes Bank hits 389+
    Return generated 28% from the recommended range.

  2. Yes bank reached 389 and has started sliding down since last 3 days.
    So, what is your view on this - will it start going up again or will it slide down further?
    Any target price for next 1 week, 1 month?
