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Disclaimer: This Blog, its owner, creator & contributor is not a research analyst and expressing opinion only as an Investor in Indian equities .He/She is not responsible for any loss arising out of any information, post or opinion appearing on this blog.Information or stock recommendations contained in this blog are for educational purposes only. Investors are advised to consult financial consultant before acting on any such information. Before acting on any old recommendations, please ensure its relevance in current circumstances.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Level Matters@ Bank Nifty spot corrected just from the given Resistance1, R1

Around 2pm today we came with our view on Bank Nifty spot at the time we felt that its getting close to its tough resistance level which was given around R1@12787

What happened@ Bank Nifty made intraday high of 12767 and corrected over 160-180 points in no time.
Timing & Levels is what matters the most.

BHEL@ Return Generated 40%

One single idea on Bhel....gave multiple trading opportunity and it very well maintained the 135 level on the downside which was the mentioned support level.


Bank Nifty@ The Power Generator for markets from 10400 to 12700 as of now...saw upside of 21%...What Next?

We have been robust on Bank Nifty spot above the 10400/10500 level and today so far it has reached to the level of 12700 where it saw an upside of around 21% in just over a month.

Below are some of the link where we discussed about Bank Nifty in the recent months@

Dated 19th feb@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2014/02/bank-nifty-spot-finally-above-1040010500.html

31st Jan@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2014/01/bank-nifty-villain.html

30th Jan@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2014/01/what-ahead-for-markets.html

What Next???

Currently at 12673 when this msg posted.

It faces 3 tough resistance, R1@ 12787, R2@ 13268, R3@ 13317.

Current Strategy would be to book profit in key banking stock as Bank Nifty keeps on moving higher and breaking all the resistance levels.

SBI @ Delivered return of 21-22% in less than a month.

We recommended SBI on 3rd March 2014 when it was trading at around Rs 1518 with clear cut idea@

Today so far it hits 1849 when this msg posted...thereby delivering return of around 22% in less than 1 month.

Going ahead it faces touch resistance around 1880-1890 and I expect it to take a breather there. Next upside only above the mentioned resistance level. 

In my ideas one is always free to book profit at any level.
We believe at the right entry level with the least minimum risk.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hindalco Delivered Return of 50% in 7 months from the lower recommended level.

On 28th Feb 2013 when Hindalco was trading at Rs 100 we gave the level of 83 at the lower end to accumulate.

On 7th August 2013 it took support at exactly Rs 83.1 & bounced.

Today 26th March 2014@ Hindalco hits 125.95 thereby delivering return of 50% in 7 months.


Monday, March 24, 2014

SRF Ltd@ Delivered Return of 128% in 9 months@ What Next???

Since it was recommended on 3rd June 2013 SRF Ltd has generated return to the tune of around 128% as of now where it made high of 335 as of yet. Going ahead 349 to 361 will act as tough resistance where continuous closing above 361/363 could take it higher upto 422/436

Recommended msg@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2013/06/srf-limited-time-to-make-some-entry.html

In the msg it was said that@ Risk is very much limited now and the expected returns are quite high going forward.

Yes Bank@ Getting further stronger

We recommended Yes Bank around 300+- levels. Well it has further become strong where technically I feel 359/358 will act as support where it can be bought close to the mentioned level again on decline. Going ahead I see upside target of upto 394-416-426-453. All levels are on closing basis and are resistance level one after another.

What Next with BEML@ Have a Look:)

BEML is trading around 300 now where going forward it faces resistance around R1@ 306, R2@ 328, R3@372, R4@ 407......Whereas excellent Support around 240.

So trade accordingly. I don't post regularly. The above 3 lines contains the upcoming story:)

Shanghai Composite@ Worries Chhuu Mantar!!!!

Just in Feb when Shanghai composite index was inching lower and market was buzzing with lower levels we came up with the following single view on 25th Feb 2013@ 

Shanghai@ Likely to take support & bounce!!!

Today Shanghai closed at around 2034.
Going ahead it got super excellent support in the region of 2004 to 1979 where we expect it to take support and give a solid bounce.
So keep watching.

What happened next@

On 20th March it made intraday low of 1993.48 

It gave a solid bounce and currently around 2074

BEML@ Hits 300+...Delivered return of around 125% in 1 year

We have been guiding Beml since a long time and our clients have traded on various occasion with a single idea and made good returns out of it. Its all about levels. We gave a upside target of upto 280-300 in december 2013 comment on Beml post.

It has delivered return of around 125% from the lower recommended level of 138-123 

March 22nd 2013@ BEML deserves a good valuation@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2013/03/beml-deserves-good-valuation.html

Dec 23rd 2013@ BEML@ Multiple opportunity@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2013/12/beml-multiple-opportunity.html#comment-form

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cox & Kings Delivered:)

Cox & Kings so far delivered return of Rs 18 on a risk of just Rs 4.5

Hits 167+ today.

As usual one is always free to book profit at any level.

Msg dated March 12th@ 
Buy cox n king in the region of 151 & 147 for a target of "upto" 172/175 keeping stop loss below 145 on closing basis.

RISK REWARD RATIO@ Max Risk Rs 4.5, Max Gain Rs 20 to 24.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nifty...What Next??? Remember@ Get used to 6000 & Beyond in Gangnam style:))???

As Nifty took a breakout above 6310+ and currently trading around 6500+- since last 8-9 days.
Right now I don't like the idea of shorting at around 6500 for little points. I strongly feel that on any downside close to 6360/6315 its a buy as it is first of the major support level from current area.. I see big levels in Nifty so the idea of shorting at current juncture looks like a bad idea:(

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Inox Leisure@ The Synergies will play now

Over the years Inox has grown and currently it operates 78 multiplexes and 307 screens in 42 cities as on 13 March 2014.
Market cap just around Rs 1085 crore. 

To me still its very cheap and I believe going ahead not the results but the synergies will play a great role in price appreciation. 
The multiplex has changed the complete scenario of box office collection. The demand is there so as the supply. More multiplexes coming up & I also see more merger & acquisition taking place going ahead in this industry which will unlock the premium valuation for this industry and I foresee Inox as the major beneficiary. 

We recommended it around 50 and it went on to hit 127 giving away return of over 130% in just 4 month. Again we recommended it around 88/84+- and it again went on to hit 111 in just 4 trading session giving away return of around 22-24%.

Technically as of now it has excellent support around 103 & 91 and can be bought again in parts around the cmp and at the mentioned support levels.

And on 4th Nov 2013 I have said that@  I forsee a target level of upto 200 to 350 for Inox over the next 1-2 yrs.

Its my personal assumption.
Last Closing Price Rs 107.65 (Friday)

Earlier we have recommended Inox on various occasions and have generated excellent profit in all recommendations here at this blog. One can check the label@ Inox Leisure below

Disclaimer@ I hold Inox Leisure

Friday, March 14, 2014

Cox & Kings@ Single idea...Multiple Trading Opportunities...only with Money Mystery ideas:-)

On 12th March here at the blog we gave a technical idea on Cox & Kings and the same idea was given at Moneycontrol Message Board on 7th March.

Since the idea was given its very much maintaining the support level and giving good bounces on various occasions.

The idea is that one can play on multiple occasion in this trade idea. This idea is on as long it doesn`t close below 145 or as long it doesn`t go above 172/175+-

Risk Reward Ratio is the best. ANY DOUBTS???

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Buy Cox & Kings

Buy cox n king in the region of 151 & 147 for a target of "upto" 172/175 keeping stop loss below 145 on closing basis.

 RISK REWARD RATIO@ Max Risk Rs 4.5, Max Gain Rs 20 to 24. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

SRF Ltd@ Delivered Return of 115% in 9 months

Since it was recommended on 3rd  June 2013 SRF Ltd has generated return to the tune of 115% as of now where it made high of 313+ as of yet.

Recommended msg@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2013/06/srf-limited-time-to-make-some-entry.html

In the msg it was said that@ Risk is very much limited now and the expected returns are quite high going forward.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Rupee to Strenthen if.....!!!!!

Alert on INR spot@ Technically at present 60.90 is the last key weekly support  for INR spot vs USD. Continuous closing below 60.90 might end the mad run and will make rupee stronger going ahead & vice versa as its also the tight support area.
Its the decider level for the time being. 
Keep Watching.

Support 1 around@ 60.18, Support 2@ 58.95, Support 3@ 56.79 and last strong support around 55.20

Our 3rd March 2014 Recommendations@ Yes Bank, SBI & Tata Steel @ Delivered superb return in 4-5 trading session.

Recommended the following on 3rd March 2014 exclusively here at this blog for everyone@

Yes Bank@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2014/03/buy-yes-bank-for-investment-purpose.html

SBI@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2014/03/technical-view-on-sbi-kahan-buy-karen.html

Tata Steel@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2014/03/buy-tata-steel-for-investment-purpose.html

Return Generated from the recommended level@

Yes Bank@ 28%
SBI@ 13% Approx
Tata Steel@ 8%

You just can't ignore@ Manish Bothra's Money Mystery

This time it all starts from 30th Jan 2014 where we posted the following message@

There we clearly said that even in worst case scenario I see Nifty taking support close to 5990 to 5930 max as of now and market giving good buying opportunity.

For Bank Nifty spot it was said that 10400 is the key level...where its very strong above 10500 and below 10400 closing it becomes very weak where close to +-600 points movement can be seen in no time.

What Happened?

On 4th Feb 2014 Nifty made intraday low of 5933.30 
On 4th Feb 2014 Bank Nifty spot made intraday low of 9944 

On 19th Feb 2014 when Bank Nifty spot finally closed above 10400/10500 the following message was given@

Where it was said that Well its a buy on dip market now as long it holds 10400 on closing basis. Market looks strong now and bears could face tough problem adjusting themselves. Short covering will be seen in various short position.

Well today when this message is posted Bank Nifty spot at 12120 and Nifty at 6545.

Since last 4-5 years whenever there was big panic and crisis in the market we have come to rescue by timing the market well & finding the bottom as well. We have never created any panic rather we advised buy in worst market condition in good quality blue chip stocks and generated wealth for our clients.

I don't give regular commentary nor buy recommendations. We look for opportunity and opportunity doesn't knocks every day.

You just can't ignore@ Manish Bothra's Money Mystery

Kind Regards,

Manish Bothra,

I can be reached at manish843@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We Believe in Timing and we Did it Again@ Caught the Market UPSIDE @ Bears in Trouble as assumed!!!


Check the above link posted on 19th Feb here at this blog along with the comment posted on it.

The Current Reality is@ Nifty around 6330 where Bank Nifty spot around 11100 :)

Its not the first time............!!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Subscribe my Services.

To Subscribe my services for 6 month & 1 year period mail me at manish843@gmail.com

Technical View on SBI@ Kahan Buy Karen???

Many interested in accumulating SBI....not a bad idea however it would be great if it can be accumulated at the right areas. Current technical buy areas & support area around 1518 & 1475 and below 1475/1470 closing if close then one should wait further and shouldn't be hurry as the next strong support is very much down around 1320+-

Faces immediate upside resistance around 1620.

Something big can be seen on the either side soon.

Tata Sponge@ All about Breakout!!!!

Msg dated Jan 23, 2014....the last para on Tata Sponge@

Today so far it hit high of 412 thereby delivering return of 41% from the recommended range. Looks like a breakout.

Tata Sponge hits 488 today.

Buy Tata Steel for Investment Purpose

In the Metal space one can start accumulating Tata Steel in the region of 341 to 336 in the first phase of systematic investment.

Next region to avg Tata Steel is 301 to 298 region.

Buy 30% of the desired qty in the region of 341 to 336
Buy the next 30% in the region of 301 to 298

Last Traded Price at Rs 345.3

Buy Yes Bank for Investment Purpose

In the banking space one can start accumulating Yes Bank in the region of 300 to 282 in the first phase of systematic investment.

Next region to avg Yes Bank is 244 to 230 region.

Buy 40% of the desired qty in the region of 301 to 282
Buy 30% of the desired qty in the region of 244 to 230

Last Traded Price at Rs 302.75