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Friday, September 6, 2013

Wockhardt Delivered Return of around 51% since recommended a month back.

Wockhardt Delivered Return of around 51% since recommended on 6th Aug here at this blog@

Msg dated 6th Aug@ 

Difficult to say and risky. Only technically I could comment some.
Wockhardt currently at 381 and down freeze. Technically I strongly feel that there's limited downside now and stock could anytime reverse back.
It got super excellent support in the region of 380 to 330 so this's the range from where it could reverse back any time. I recommend a buy in the given range. 

Do not wait the freeze to open to get in rather start buying in very little little qty in every sharp decline now as whenever it opens it might end at upper circuit only. 
It may or may not happen. It could be risky. Better to stay away if appetite not strong.
Its an personal assumption.

What happened then@ On 8th Aug from a lower circuit of Rs 344.45 it closed at upper circuit at Rs 380.65....very much in-line with the given view.

Wockhardt hits high of Rs 547 today.

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