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Kolkata, India
Disclaimer: This Blog, its owner, creator & contributor is not a research analyst and expressing opinion only as an Investor in Indian equities .He/She is not responsible for any loss arising out of any information, post or opinion appearing on this blog.Information or stock recommendations contained in this blog are for educational purposes only. Investors are advised to consult financial consultant before acting on any such information. Before acting on any old recommendations, please ensure its relevance in current circumstances.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Money Mystery is over all Bullish

Markets going down but I strongly believe that there's nothing to worry and this year going to be the best for our markets. Before 6000 becomes the base market giving an opportunity for those who missed the rally. Many stocks got badly hammered and became out of shape and wherever they stands now are of the levels of Nifty 5500-5600 or less though its currently at 5852. Money Mystery finds opportunities in all market condition. If there's is discipline money can definitely be made. Never challenge discipline with indiscipline trade. We believe in various strategies depending on market condition. Basically we give ideas on equities and very rarely on Options & Currencies. Our level matters a lot. These levels are bought to you after extensive research, levels which decides the good & bad of stock. Am not a trader but a good trader can nicely execute my ideas. We believe in limited risk and maximum profit. Many of my ideas given once can be traded multiple times. Never worry......with Money Mystery we will make you look everything easy & comfortable. Trade with comfort with the stocks fortune in your grip.You should know your stock movements before you start trading with it. And everyday should not be a trading day.


Manish Bothra,

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