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Kolkata, India
Disclaimer: This Blog, its owner, creator & contributor is not a research analyst and expressing opinion only as an Investor in Indian equities .He/She is not responsible for any loss arising out of any information, post or opinion appearing on this blog.Information or stock recommendations contained in this blog are for educational purposes only. Investors are advised to consult financial consultant before acting on any such information. Before acting on any old recommendations, please ensure its relevance in current circumstances.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Arvind Ltd@ Return Generated 7% as of now

On 3rd Dec Exclusively to our clients we recommended Arvind Ltd to our clients as@ Buy Arvind in the region of 90-88 keeping stop loss below 87 for a target of upto 91.9-96-98.

Arvind Ltd hits 96 today thereby generating return of 7% as of now. The stop loss was also maintained over this period. 

We mentioned about this here at my blog that a call has been given.

Most of the time we give calls before anyone else does.

1 comment:

  1. Arvind hits 98++, Return of around 10% on a risk of just 2.3%, It happens only with Money Mystery.
