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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Out of the Box thought@ INR/USD/NIFTY@ PATI PATNI AUR WOH

Yesterday INR spot inched upto around 54.73 and start correcting from there where we expected it to move upto 54.90 in our message dated 19th oct. We could see that Nifty moved in the range of 5600-5700 and now as INR inching lower from the expected level Nifty is inching higher where we expected the same to happen.

On 19th Oct in our caption@Out of the Box thought@ INR/USD/NIFTY@ PATI PATNI AUR WOH we clearly mentioned that INR may head upto 54.90 against USD as long it remain above 53.20/53.40, only below 53.20 INR could inch lower. The level where we post this message had very limited risk on the downside and more to gain on the upside and that what happened in INR.

We got this idea.....shared with you all...and it worked.

We don't give calls or ideas on regular basis as we believe in the best risk reward ratio for our clients.

Regular trading has limited scope.

Thats Money Mystery.

Check out our message dated 19th Oct.


Manish Bothra,
Subscribe today.

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