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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Money Mystery's Bulls Eye Hit @ Nasdaq's journey from 2900 to 4500+

I would say it a Big Breaking Alert as we were the first to do so for Nasdaq.


Before on 2 occasion it came closure to 4500 however in the 3rd attempt it manages to hit 4500.

When Nasdaq was trading at sub 2900+ levels in 2012 March we gave a upside target of upto 3600 at over a period of 1 year+-

Checkout our message dated 3rd March 2012@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2012/03/nasdaq-looking-much-more-bullsidh-than.html?m=1

Finally in July 2013 Nasdaq hits 3600.

On 2nd August 2013 when Nasdaq was trading around 3675 we again came with a bullish view on Nasdaq and gave away upside target of upto 3966 to 4500.

Checkout message dated 2nd August 2013@

In my article dated 25th Feb 2014 I have already mentioned the next course above 4500@ 

Nasdaq faces tough resistance around 4500-4572
Closing above 4600 on continuous basis could make it strong again where we can see fresh rally in IT stock or vice versa where Nasdaq can try to hit level of upto 5000-5100.

Just 2 or 3 of the messages covered the entire 2-3 year story of Nasdaq.