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Kolkata, India
Disclaimer: This Blog, its owner, creator & contributor is not a research analyst and expressing opinion only as an Investor in Indian equities .He/She is not responsible for any loss arising out of any information, post or opinion appearing on this blog.Information or stock recommendations contained in this blog are for educational purposes only. Investors are advised to consult financial consultant before acting on any such information. Before acting on any old recommendations, please ensure its relevance in current circumstances.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

MMTC@ Its a Buy

Technically MMTC since last 4 month has very well stabilised and seems to have formed a base around the 50 level. This stock could heavily surprise on the upside where on the upper side it has the potential to generate return of over 100% plus in the time to come. A closing above 56 will mark the rally as per my assumption.
Though we are not waiting for the 56 breakout and have recommended a buy at current levels of 52.5+-

No stop loss & time frame.

Note: Its an personal assumption.

Monday, December 23, 2013

BEML@ Multiple Opportunity

We have been guiding on BEML since a long time.....gave excellent trading opportunity since so far where clients have been able to get in and get out on various occasion.

We once again recommended a buy on 5th Nov exclusively to our clients in the region of 196/190.

Today BEML hits 230 so far when this message is posted thereby delivering return of 15%.

It faces tough resistance close to Rs 240 so one is always free to book profit at any level.

Nifty 6200 CA delivered 200% Return

Rarely we give call on Option trading.....!!!
On 19th Dec we recommended buying Nifty 6200 ca at Rs 38 with limited stop loss where on 20th Dec it went on to hit 114 thereby delivering return of 200%

It was recommended at my whatsapp group and clients who prefer trading in option.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wockhardt@ Delivered return of around 25% in just 4 trading session.

Wockhardt hits 428+.....if anyone still holding at our recommended level of 345 to 331 can book profit as it faces tough resistance around the 422 to 448 level and could correct again.

Our buy recommendation has generated return of around 25% in just 4 trading session.

CMP Rs 428 when this message posted.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wockhardt delivered return of 13% in just 2 trading session.

Yesterday we recommended Wockhardt in the region of 343 to 331 keeping a stop loss below 330 on closing basis. It went on to hit low of 336.6 in intraday and closed at 339.85.

Today it went on to hit 387 thereby generating return of around 13% from our recommended range in just 2 trading session. We have asked to book half or full profit as desired as one is always free to book profit at any level.

We recommended this idea at Money Mystery facebook.....at Linkedin.. at whatsapp friends and exclusively to our clients.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Nifty hits New High in Gangnam Style@ We Believed it and saw it Happening

In my article dated 12.12.12 with caption@ Get used to 6000 n beyond in Gangnam style....where in that link we categorically gave Nifty's 2013 target at 6500-7000 where finally it hit 6415 today when this message is posted. We stick to what we said and never changed our view on the negative side and recommended buy whenever the market corrected heavily without creating any panic.

Here's the link@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2012/12/get-used-to-6000-beyond-in-gangnam-style.html?showComment=1386571513738#c5149188404243175230

In between biggies came in business channels and gave away downside target of upto 4500 and to be very honest anyone who went with there view either lost money like anything or missed this golden opportunity or say missed about 1400 points of rally in Nifty.

This's not the place to be stubborn. One can go wrong or right however being stubborn all the time leads to nowhere.

Money Mystery has delivered in all market condition & there're various reasons to get associated with us.

Manish Bothra,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

BHEL@ Target Range Achieved...Return Generated around 25%

Alert@ Bhel hits our mentioned target range of 170/176 given on 26th Sep where today it made high of 171.90 delivering return of around 25% & giving multiple trading opportunity in between.

Check out our message dated Sep 26th where we gave both side view for BHEL. Since then it has given excellent trading opportunity and today it went on to hit the mentioned target range.

One View@ Multiple Opportunity...Thats Money Mystery.

Msg dated 26th Sep@ http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2013/09/bhel-road-ahead-technically.html

Be With Us....We have Delivered in all Weather Conditions.

Yes Bank@ Took a technical Breakout

Yes Bank looking strong and headed higher for immediate target of Rs 415-425 in the first phase.
Cmp Rs 395
For more info Subscribe Money Mystery.

Tata Steel@ Return Generated 114% so far

Tata Steel hits Rs 422 when this message is posted thereby delivering return of 114% from the lower recommended level in 4 months.

For more info on Tata Steel subscribe to my services.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Some ideas at blog and more to exclusive clients.

We give some ideas over here at this blog only for the simple reason that whoever visits here can get a taste of Money Mystery and can understand the type of work I do. 
We don't believe in tips...we believe in ideas.

There are other calls which we give exclusively to our clients who have put trust on us over the years.

Tata Sponge@ Return Generated 17%

Exclusively to our clients on 19th Nov we recommended Tata Sponge in the region of 292-287.
Lastly on 29th November we got our entire mentioned buy price range.
Today Tata Sponge hits 339 when the message is posted delivering return of 17% from the recommended level. We have asked to book profit on the same.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Inox Leisure@ Delivered Return@ 130%

Our recommended stock Inox Leisure delivered return of 130% in 4 month.
Recommended around Rs 51 in August 2013
Hits 117.90 as of now when the message is posted.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Bhel@ Hits 160+

Bhel hits 160+ thereby giving various trading opportunity in between.

SRF Ltd@ Up 100 Bucks since the view was given...Return approx 60%

In our message dated 3rd june we advised the following@

Hits 238 today...Since then saw upside of around Rs 100 from the lower recommended level....return of around 60%

Inox Leisure@ 100% Return

Inox Leisure hits 107 thereby delivering return of over 100% in 4 month since recommended in Aug 2013.

There are various reasons to get associated with Money Mystery