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Kolkata, India
Disclaimer: This Blog, its owner, creator & contributor is not a research analyst and expressing opinion only as an Investor in Indian equities .He/She is not responsible for any loss arising out of any information, post or opinion appearing on this blog.Information or stock recommendations contained in this blog are for educational purposes only. Investors are advised to consult financial consultant before acting on any such information. Before acting on any old recommendations, please ensure its relevance in current circumstances.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

WIll Hindalco Bounce???

Hindalco got excellent support around Rs 100 so there're chances of a bounce somewhere near to that and its become a buy.
Its become weaker only below 100 closing where any long should be avoided.

Dabur India

Exclusively to our clients we recommended Dabur India on 27th Aug as@
Medium Term Call@
Buy Dabur in the region of 122/121 for a target of upto 126.65/130-131.8/137, avoid long below 120.
 We got the buying level and on 29th Aug so far it went on to hit Rs 125.5 from low of Rs 120

INOX LEISURE@ Time to get in again.

Inox Leisure has excellent support around 55/54.5 and I believe it should be accumulated on any decline in the region of 55-51. Big upside is expected as technically very recently it broke the upper barrier after a long fight.
We recommended 25% buy around 58, next 50% should be accumulated in the above given range.
This's the stock where most of times I don't give any Stop Loss.

Technically Tata Steel

Technically Tata Steel has strong support around 373 and right now its trading around 374 so a chance of bounce back is there. 
Only a closing below 373/371 it becomes further weaker where on the downside it could see level of upto 334 & below that it could see 283/265. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nifty 5400 Put Idea@ Return 450%

Our idea on Nifty 5400 Put did more wonder@
Nifty 5400 put hits around 101 thereby generating return of around 450% from the time of recommendation.
An investment of Rs 900 is right now Rs 5000.
Subscribe to Money Mystery.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What below 5360???

Below 5360 Nifty finds strong support around 5302 levels.

Nifty 5400 Put Idea@ Return 200%

Few of our stock idea didn't do well where SL triggered with marginal loss however our idea on Nifty 5400 Put did some wonder@
Nifty 5400 put so far hits 60 when this message is posted thereby generating return of over 200% from the time of recommendation.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Shanghai@ Little more to correct? or bounce?

Currently at 2072 when this message is posted.
If Shanghai Market closes below 2075 then there are chances that it may drift further lower where on the downside it finds strong support around the 2018-1986 levels.
Above 2075-2082 it will remain strong.

Friday, August 24, 2012

HSIL@ Heads I win Tails You Loose!!!!

On 21st Aug we gave this exclusive stock idea on HSIL to our clients and some market participants by email where we gave both side view so that clients remain well informed and can trade accordingly..
The idea was@

Last Closing Price Rs 124.85

Buy HSIL in the region of around 125-121 for a upside target of upto 10% or more.
Buy in the given range in little little parts because level of 122-121 is a very strong support zone for it and bounce could be seen around those levels. So one can even use this little bounce to bring down the cost.

Well on 22nd Aug it opened higher at around 127 and went on to hit 133.9 up by 8% however closed lower from its intraday highs at around 126/125 
And today below 120 we saw the weakness knocking which we described in our mail where on the lower side it went on to hit 107/106 so far before closing at 110.

With Money Mystery you always remain two step ahead........!!!!
Still everyday is not sunday!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nifty 5400 Put Idea@

Message given exclusively to our clients at midnight 12.10am on 23rd Aug 2012@
5400 put could see some buying interest as nifty facing tough resistance around 5428. it's an personal observation.
  Today we saw some active buying interest in Nifty 5400 put where from a low of around Rs 17+ it went on to hit Rs 36 on the higher side so far before closing at Rs 23.5

Note:- We can give you ideas which need to be utilized at your end, it may or may not work always.

What Prashant has to say for Money Mystery@

"Manish is a very sincere and dedicated towards his Money mystery blog. He spends considerable amount of time on listening to your query and giving his suggestion. His advice in the past had earned me considerable amount of money. Though we are not in the same city, but It was always pleasure talking to him over the phone regarding stock advice. Keep up the good work Manish…"
Service Category: Financial Advisor
Year first hired: 2010
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert.

Prashant Saxena, Bengaluru,
Group Lead in Memory Design group at Cypress,
Executive MBA, IIM Bangalore.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

INOX LEISURE@ Hits 63@ Return 29%

Inox Leisure hits 63, thereby giving return of 29% from the recommended level of 49 n below. 
Seems it has broken the upper barrier after a long gap.

Money Mystery Market View@

As said yesterday that 5428 is the immediate resistance for Nifty and I feel it won't be that easy for Nifty to cross it and close above it. In this event there're chances of Nifty getting corrected, a technical one, where on the downside it finds strong support around 5360.
Market is ok & there's nothing to worry as of now as these type of correction are considered healthy. Only continuous closing above 5428 will make nifty further strong from where it could head towards a big rally.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

United Spirits@ Resistance aHead....!!! what next???

Lets refresh the memory@ Money Mystery recommended United Spirits at rock bottom level. Check out our past messages on the same.
Well going higher it faces tough resistance around 951-963 and could correct.
A closing above 963 could take it higher upto 995-1010-1029
So trade accordingly.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Delivery & Intraday call

Gave Delivery call on Arvind & Risky Intraday call on IGL today.

Messages given on Nifty at 10.05am today

Exclusively to our clients we gave the following message at 10.05am@ On the downside Nifty gets strong support around 5360. No such weakness seen right now. Market so far looks fine. Could hit 5400+

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

US Market Vis-a-Vis Nifty & other foreign indices.

We consider US market as the barometer of all market and considers its good health as good health for our & others market too. On 27th July when it gave a spectacular upward movement & crossed various important resistance, I wrote the following http://moneymystery.blogspot.in/2012/07/dowjones-spectacular-upmove.html it somehow signal rally in other market too which we saw.
I feel as long Dowjones holds around 12985 on the lower side there's nothing to worry as such for other market as well. Dow gets weaker only a closing below 12985/12980 & not before that in the immediate term.
For Nifty to move higher it need to cross the 5360 barrier and trade higher & gives a close above it. Else could correct again  & finds strong support around 5302/5280-5220-5170 and as long 5170 holds on the lower side there's nothing to worry and will be considered a buy on any sharp decline keeping in view the given support levels. Nifty gets weaker only a closing below 5170 & not before that in the immediate term.

Messages given on Nifty

Messages given exclusively to our clients@

Date 3rd Aug: at 9.50am@ As long Nifty holds 5170 there's nothing to worry and it can bounce again. Only if it spents some quality time below 5170 then only weakness seen.

Date 6th Aug at 10.11am@  Upside resistance for Nifty seen around 5302 & 5360 whereas downside strong support remains at 5220/5170

Date 8th Aug at 9.46am@  Nifty hits 5360, its a resistance area, to move further higher it need to spent quality time above 5360 else likely to correct a bit.

**Nifty has very much behaved as per the expected line**

Pantaloon Retail@ Return 8%

Recommended Pantaloon Retail exclusively to our clients on 10th August in the region of Rs 151 n below for a target of upto 165/169
Pantaloon so far hits Rs 163 thereby giving return of 8%

Monday, August 13, 2012

SRF Ltd@ Return 7.5%

Recommended SRF Ltd exclusively to our clients on 26th july at Rs 200 for a target of upto Rs 216-222. Weak below 195.
SRF Ltd so far hits Rs 215.5, delivered return of 7.5% so far.
In our calls clients are always free to book profit at any level.

Don't challenge Discipline with Indiscipline trade

Is it so difficult to make money out of stock market??? Not at all for those who trades with discipline but how many of us follow this path??? very few....and that very few makes handsome money out of those big thousand looser. Stop Loss is a fig which we come out with some extensive research however there're people who don't have any regards for it, they don't take it seriously & finally pay a big price for there disregard and blame the market for there losses rather than blaming themselves. Love your wife more than your stock:-) Avoid having a love affair with it:-)

When you drop yourself in the market arena you should be knowing the pros & cons associate with it. Its the center which could give excellent return or vice versa. One should learn the art of protecting capital, maximizing profit & minimizing losses. One need to remember that no one is above God & the market.
No one can guarantee in stock market & one shouldn't even do so to catch the attention.

We at Money Mystery try our level best to give the best of trading ideas where we keep the risk reward ratio very much in favour of traders so that in case of Stop Loss triggers losses are very minimum however we've a very good track record of hit ratio.
We do extensive research before giving a trading idea. We give the end findings in writing rather than showing in a technical graph.
Trade with Discipline & make Money.
Subscribe to Money Mystery.

Manish Bothra.

Young Achievers@ Muthuraman Sivaraj

I take the privilege to Wish & Congrats Mr.Muthuraman Sivaraj from Chennai whom I came to know from Facebook who with his rare invention has got his name in Asia Book Of Records & India Book Of Records for his innovation on "Worlds First Eco-friendly Free-Cab"
Well Done Sivaraj. 
I understand there's no shortage of Talent in India but we need proper channel to find out those hidden talent in front of people.

One can reach him@ http://www.facebook.com/muthuraman.sivaraj

Manish Bothra.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Subscribe Money Mystery

Subscribe Money Mystery at just Rs 3500 for 3 month subscription. 
To subscribe mail me at manish843@gmail.com

Friday, August 10, 2012

Will Bharti Airtel hold 257???

Yesterday Bharti Airtel closed around 257 and today so far we saw it taking support there & bounce. As long 257 holds there's nothing to worry and could rally north....only below 257 or so its a matter of concern & could correct further.
Kindly consult my last message on the same.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Infosys@ Wonder Levels

Wonder Levels@ 2178/2175 was the level we talked off below which there was weakness & above it bullishness. We found that below the mentioned level it touched 2101 on 26th july where our downside level was given upto 2064/1990 however above the level it went on to hit 2310 in just few trading days.
Check out my message dated 12th July on Infosys.

Jai Corp SL triggered

On 7th Aug we recommended Jai Corp in the region of 60-59 for a target of upto 66 & 72 keeping SL below 58.
Resulted in loss of 2.75%.
The counter will become strong only above 58.5/59 and above that it gains momentum for a good upside.
Downside support seen at 54 & 51 area.

Bharti Airtel@ Correction in my given Levels.

Correction in Bharti levels to what was posted in caption What lies ahead@ Going technically I feel It has strong support in the region of 278/276 & 264/257, in intraday it could even hit down upto 252 however continuous closing below 257 will make it weaker and could take it lower upto 234/230 & 210/199
So one can trade accordingly.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bharti....What lies ahead??

Today we gave a Investment buy call on Bharti Airtel in the region of 283-278 and recommended a 35% buy of the desired qty. 
Post recommendation Bharti hits intraday low of around 280.6 and after that it went on to hit around 289.
Going technically I feel It has strong support in the region of 278/276 & 264/261 and could give a good bounce from the mentioned support levels.
Only a closing below 260 long should be avoided & above 261/264 it looks very much healthy & could give good returns.
So one can trade accordingly.

Recommended Bharti Airtel

Recommended Bharti Airtel at lower levels today to our clients.

Dowjones above 13113

On 27th july for Dowjones it was said that a closing above 13113 will make it further strong, last day it closed at 13117 and today it almost gave a upside of 100 points where so far it made high of 13216.
Most of the time Levels do Work.
Subscribe Money Mystery. 


Technical@We gave a Buy call on Jaicorp to our clients.

Spain's IBEX 35 index bang on support & bounce

On 17th May in the comment box we expected the Spain Ibex 35 index to take support in the region of 6000/5870 where on 4th June it made low of around 5987.8 & bounced back to 7200 on 3rd July, again on 23rd july it made low of around 5905.30 & bounced back to 7200 on 7th August. On both the occasion it took the much needed support around the mentioned level. 
Earlier 6935 was acting as strong support for it and below that we gave the support level of 6000/5870 and resistance of 6936/6940.
Only Money Mystery did it.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Nifty message given today(3rd Aug) at 9.50am to clients

Money_Mystery: As long Nifty holds 5170 there's nothing to worry and it can bounce again. Only if it spents some quality time below 5170 then only weakness seen.(end)
We found Nifty taking support around the mentioned level & bouncing back in style. 

Deccan Chronicle@ Down n Down!!!!

Suddenly saw@ Deccan Chronicle at 13 bucks!!!!
Though I tracked this stock only once way back on 28th March 2012 and posted the following message here at this blog@
This will remain weak as long its trading below 37/36.5 where on the downside it could see level of upto 28/27, so trade accordingly.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What Money Mystery Clients says@

K.Periandavan, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, Client since last 2 yrs, mail dated 1st Aug.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Inox Leisure@ Did it again@ Return 12%

Just a few days back exclusively to our clients we recommended Inox Leisure in the region of 49 n below.
The stock hits 55 today thereby generating return of 12% in just few trading session.
The same call was also given at moneycontrol messageboard (id mannish).
The same stock has given multiple trading opportunity over the fast few months with great return to our Money Mystery clients.

Subscribe Money Mystery Today.

BEML@ Its a Buy@ Now in Green...How?

So far how we came in Green in BEML@
35% we bought at Rs 342 avg,
Next 35% we bought at 312, net avg Rs 326, 
we advised half profit booking at around 326, 
Our net avg price became Rs 326, 
Again on lower levels at around 312 we bought 35% of the qty bringing our avg cost down to Rs 319...
The Stock is currently trading at 327 when this message is posted.
  Thats how we take care of clients money so that they minimise risk & maximise profit.
Check out our previous message on BEML. 

Tata Steel@Strategy Call Return

Money_Mystery: Exclusively to our clients we recommended (50% buy of the desired qty) Tata Steel at 415-408, net avg 412, recommended again the rest at 391-388, net avg 390, total avg Rs 401, Tata Steel hits high of 416 today, net profit of 4% with our strategy call.

HDIL@ Generated Return of over 11%

Our strategy call on HDIL given exclusively to our clients on 24th July generated return of over 11% so far, We recommended a 35% buy at 75, 35% buy at 72 and the rest at lower level keeping stop loss at 68. HDIL hits low of around 71, Currently trading at Rs 81.55 when this message is posted, could hit 85/87 where it face its immediate resistance.
Subscribe Money Mystery Today.

Brazils Bovespa@ Bang up from the Downside Support.

2 month back when Brazil's Bovespa Index was trading at 54490 we gave downside strong support at 52400-51240 where on many occasion it took support around the 52400/52200 level & bounced back.
At Money Mystery we strongly work on the Level to reach & those Levels works like anything to decide the fate for Index or the Stocks.